Setting up your business's goals, creating your social media profiles and accounts, building your website (your base), and engaging across all the platforms are all steps in creating an effective online presence.
A few of these result types are generated automatically by Google Search, but most of them can be coded for by your site, as we will explain. But first, let's talk about the general categories of Search results.
The Search Console APIs are a way to access data outside of Search Console, through external applications and products. Developers and SEO tools already use the APIs to build custom solutions to view, add, or remove properties and sitemaps, and to run advanced queries on Search performance data.
Driving traffic to a site is a fundamental SEO goal, but getting more website traffic may not always be good for the business. Here are some reasons why.
Page titles have a large impact on click-through rates because they provide important context to search engines, but a recent study shows Google rewrites page titles more than 60 percent of the time.
There's no correlation between the amount of impressions your site gets for a particular keyword and the search volume for that keyword. Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller says the impressions your site receives for a keyword is not an indication of the search volume for that keyword.
Google will let advertisers target people on the web based on a broad set of interests, retreating from an earlier plan that was lambasted over privacy and anticompetitive concerns.
Today, we're introducing a new robots tag, indexifembedded, that brings you more control over when your content is indexed. With the indexifembedded tag, you can tell Google you'd still like your content indexed when it's embedded through iframes.
Building your online presence can be time consuming because it’s not just something that happens overnight; it can be frustrating because… well, it’s not just something that happens overnight.